i miss the friend in the photo.
people often say, out of 100 friends you make. you may only meet 1 which is true.
and wendyl tan was.
thank you for being there for me when uncle passed away.
for encouraging me when i failed my prelims.
for calling my mum and taking in all the blame.
for being there for me when i was slapped by my mum in front of my relatives.
for the non stop encouragement be it before test or when i failed.
for being there when i lost faith.
for helping me to open up when i lost someone close.
for teaching me to be optimistic no matter how bad things can be.
for the constant wake ups when i slept during lit test.
for being the first one to be happy when i passed bio test.
for accepting me who i am when others never failed to judge me.
for being so true.
for teaching me that opening up sometimes is the best solution.
for trusting even when sometimes i was at the verge of giving up.
for the genuine concern when times were so bad.
for calling every now and then just to make sure i did not give up.
for our friendship.
for impacting my life and making a big difference.
this post is out to you, best friend.
(uncompleted cos schools at 8 tmr)